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Sprinkles… a commodity!

12 Jan

Editor’s note: this is a Mom-Me post because Mini-Me couldn’t attend (adults only- and I’m perfectly ok with it 😉 )

Ever since Mini-Me was an even mini-er me, sprinkles have been a hot commodity in our house. It was an easy way to “pretty-up” the things I wanted her to eat (don’t judge – she’s beyond a picky eater). We’ve had the sugar variety, the stars & flowers, holiday themed and more. It got to a point where family & friends began buying them in bulk because of her. She will seek them out in the grocery stores – oogling and drooling like a Pavlovian dog.

So the mere mention of sprinkles within ear-shot of her elicits squeals of delight; couple sprinkles with moist, decadent cupcakes – you can imagine (she IS a 12-year old girl). So my excursion to the brand new Sprinkles in La Jolla with the SD Momfia HAD to be a hush-hush one.

As we stood outside waiting for the moment when they would open the doors for us, it was a surreal mix of the old Mervyn’s commercial (“open, open, OPEN!”) and the scene outside the gates of the Wonka Factory. Mention cupcakes & champagne to this group and it’s ON!

We were greeted graciously by “cupcake concierges” with trays of champagne & escorted into the kitchen for a private meeting with Candace Nelson – yes *that* Candace… of Cupcake Wars – to talk about the love that makes Sprinkles the best (and first) cupcakery. You know what happens when you get 14 moms in a kitchen with cupcakes and booze? A WHOLE LOT of FUN!

Candace showed us the signature Sprinkles frosting technique and challenged us to frost our own (red velvet – FTW!)… and we all jumped in to try our hand. (After – when Candace saw my cupcake – she said “Wow –  who did that? Was that one of you or one of my frosting pros? …aww shucks *blushes*)

Then things shifted to the different flavors and how they test them out – hint, hint: pays to “like” & “follow“. As the evening wound down, we were offered a 6-pack of our choosing to take home (phew! Thanks Candace & Charles… I wouldn’t have EVER lived it down with Mini-Me if she had found out and I didn’t have some for her) and a little Sprinkles box of love.

Mini-me was placated with the chance to have a half of each of the flavors I brought home. So far, she like them all – and now wants to have her birthday in the Sprinkles Kitchen…

As a PR/marketing professional I want to say: kudos for creating a fantastic experience! I had not had a chance to get to the Sprinkles Mecca in Beverly Hills and didn’t know what I was missing.  I’m glad I don’t have to now (not that I wouldn’t). Congratulations to the Sprinkles team and J Public Relations!

(Pictures coming!)

My Trip To The @SonyElectronics Store with @Sukhjit

31 Aug

I’m excited to get my new camera and maybe a laptop. I’m looking at the Sony DSC-W350 in blue, black or silver. I would rather have the blue one. I can’t  wait to get my new camera. I am going to use it for my blog and I do not have to use my mom’s big camera. I thank Sukhjit for showing me aruond the store. I hope get my camera soon. I’m saving my money.

I will return…


Editor’s Note: Sukhjit was very gracious in showing Mini-Me around the Sony Style store – it  was a very busy night! Mini-Me is excited to be looking at the choices available and planning for a laptop… she has already started looking at the features she wants in it!

Panda Birthday @SanDiegoZoo

17 Aug

I went to the Zoo. I went to see the birthday boy Zhen Zhen. It was my almost birthday when we went. We wished Zhen Zhen a Happy Birthday and I told Zhen Zhen it was my birthday too. The Zoo gave me a stuffed panda cub. He is so funny when  he pulled off his 3. I’m in Zhen Zhen’s Birthday video I am wearing  the black shirt.

I will get back…


Editor’s Note: Mini-Me has an annual membership to the San Diego Zoo. We frequently get invites to events that we can share with you. We are not compensated for any of her posts other than the chance to visit the park and participate in these unique events. In the video, she is at the table signing birthday messages to put in the bamboo windchime…

Birthday At The Melting Pot

12 Aug

I  had my party at  The Melting Pot. I  had an exiting party. It was great. I had a lot of  fun. A lot of people came to the party. I  had a great time with my party. I loved tasting all the different chocolates. I loved Yin&Yang, cookies and cream marshmallow dream. I was happy to see all my friends at My birthday. I am positive my friends had some fun.

I will come back…


Editor’s note: The Melting Pot hosted Mini-Me’s party because they are launching a package for 15-year old (quinceanos?) & sweet 16 parties… Thanks to the Gaslamp location for their gracious hospitality!

Editor’s Post: OpenSky and Lil Miss Mini Me

10 Aug

Hi readers… it’s Mommi-Me.

I’m writing this post because while I think that it is important for Mini-Me to do her own writing, this is something that we want to share with you.

When we were given the chance to partner Mini-Me’s writing assignment with the amazing people of OpenSky Project, it seemed like a “uh-duh” moment. Mini-Me has been looking for a way to make some extra money so she can pay for some special activities – that’s why she started walking the neighborhood dogs. OpenSky is giving us the chance to do that with products that make sense for her.

The first product Mini-Me has chosen to sell is the Molly Mutt Dog Duvet. We got it about a week ago and Raven has been so thrilled with it (she quite literally rolls and rolls on it). It is a fantastic, green way to make a comfy space for your pooch. The duvet we got (Mr Roboto – Huge) is  a generous size for our labby. You can put an old bed into it OR take your old sheets, towels and clothes to stuff into it. Because we just went through a big purge of not only Mini-Me’s too-small clothes, but also household linens, this is great – we will be stuffing all those things into the duvet!

The other fabulous thing about Mr. Roboto duvet is how durable it is – Raven has on a number of occasions dissected a pooch bed when she spies a loose thread. My hope is that this bad-boy will withstand her, our move and the ensuing puppy fun. Mini-me has had fun taking the pictures, stuffing an old bed into it and is looking forward to getting it totally “fluffy” for the pooch.

If you want to buy the doggy duvet, you can buy it directly from Mini-Me! And as a special Founder’s Club Opening Week (between now and August 16th), if you use the promo code EXCITE25 – you will get 25 percent off a product of your choice when you make your purchase!

We are excited to share the products with you – trusting us to share products that we love and would want you to have in your lives. That is at the core of what OpenSky wants for each of it’s buyers and sellers – relationship based consumerism, buying from a trusted source. I wouldn’t allow Mini-Me to share a product that we wouldn’t use ourselves.

We would love to hear your thoughts and if you love your doggy duvet too…


My Birthday Party At The Melting Pot

6 Aug

I am exited to have a free birthday at The Melting Pot. I have ten friends might come.  I am inviting Haley, Emma, Amanda, Nicole, James, Emily, Alexandra, Dylan.I hope every one comes.

We will return…


Editor’s Note: the Melting Pot is giving Mini-Me this party after she attended a tweetup they host & she wrote about (unpaid). We are excited to be working with them on this party & making it a fun experience for tweens/teens too!

My Birthday Is Coming Soon

27 Jul
My birthday is on the 6th. I made a birthday wish list, that  you can see below. I am turning 12. I am going to be a Tween. I want a happy birthday. I know four other people who have birth days in August.  I am exited for my birthday to come. I love my birthday.
To be continue…
Mini-Me’s Wish list:
1. Gift cards for example, Tilly’s, Best Buy, Kohl’s, Target and Claire’s
2. iPod Nano blue or green
3. movies like Percy Jacksen and the Lightning Theif
4. DS games
7. scrapbook
8. lunch box
9. fairy stuff
10. socks
11. scrapbooks stuff
12. clothes
13. shoes
14. earrings
15. for real  friends dog
16. embroidery  floss – to make friendship bracelets
17. Barbie movies
18. glass dolls – collectible dolls
19. dress up
20. DSi
Editor’s Note: Mini-Me’s birthday is always a challenge for her – we don’t get to have a very big “friend” party because of the summer break, so she is very excited to share her birthday with her readers. We also thought sharing her wish list this way would be easy for the rest of the family too.

I Believe In Fairies -Do You?

16 Jul

I believe in fairies! You may not, but I do – so don’t say it out loud or a fairy will die. I know an artist called Ruth Thompson that draws fairies and dragons. She has 4 fairy figures. I see her at Comic-Con. I have a dragon drawing from Ruth. My mom was working with Ruth that is how we met.

Coming back soon…


My Dog ;>

14 Jul

walking with Raven

I didn't do it - she did...

I have a black Lab/Border collie. It is a girl. Her name is now Raven.  It was sugar. We got her from the Lab Rescuers. She had a sister called spice. Raven is an attention hog. We love her and she loves us. Rave hated cars at first. She would drool on the backseat. My dog thinks she is a cat and she is still a puppy. She is only 3 years in human years, but 21 in dog years.

To be continued…


I’m an OpenSky Blogger/Seller – guess what that means?

13 Jul

I can’t what to get  my  OpenSky shop started. I am starting really soon. I talk to them this morning. I am exited to sell jewelry, crafts, toys, games, shoes and clothes. I’m raising money for 6th grade camp and other activities.

Ramblings will return..


Editor’s Note: For those that do not know what OpenSky is let me share a bit with you. OpenSky is a new platform for influencers to sell the products they like from companies they trust. Mini-me will choose products she thinks are things she’ll like and enjoy, tell you about them from her perspective and you will be able to buy them from her on this blog without leaving it – pretty cool! She will share in the profits – so if you have a tween in your life, you can see how Mini-Me likes it & purchase it for your tween. We thought this would be a great way to share products and raise money for the school activities she wants to do – 6th grade camp & Washington DC trip. Please help her meet her goals and THANK YOU OpenSky Project! We’ll share more with you soon… Click on that badge to the right in the mean time to check out what OpenSky is offering readers —>

– – Mommi-Me