Tag Archives: panda

Panda Birthday @SanDiegoZoo

17 Aug

I went to the Zoo. I went to see the birthday boy Zhen Zhen. It was my almost birthday when we went. We wished Zhen Zhen a Happy Birthday and I told Zhen Zhen it was my birthday too. The Zoo gave me a stuffed panda cub. He is so funny when  he pulled off his 3. I’m in Zhen Zhen’s Birthday video I am wearing  the black shirt.

I will get back…


Editor’s Note: Mini-Me has an annual membership to the San Diego Zoo. We frequently get invites to events that we can share with you. We are not compensated for any of her posts other than the chance to visit the park and participate in these unique events. In the video, she is at the table signing birthday messages to put in the bamboo windchime…